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Other Titles: A Sketch of a Series of Meanings of the Prefixes te(R)- and me(N)- in Malay
Authors: Manavavee Mamah
Sato Hirobumi @ Rahmat
มะนาวาวี มามะ
Keywords: kata terbitan berimbuhan
kesinambungan makna imbuhan
proses penerbitan kata
sudut pandangan.
affixed derivatives
continuity of the meanings of affixes
process of word derivation
point of view
Issue Date: 14-Mar-2019
Publisher: Master of Teaching Islamic Education Program, Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of the 2nd National and International Conference on Islamic Education and Education for Development” (The 2nd NICE, 2019); 14-15 Mar 2019; 1091-1112
Abstract: Salah satu ciri bahasa Melayu terdapat dalam penggunaan kata terbitan yang dihasilkan bersama imbuhan yang membawa pelbagai makna. Hal ini ditekankan dalam sukatan pembelajaran bahasa Melayu sejak peringkat sekolah di negara-negara rantau Melayu. Namun, penutur jati, pada hakikatnya, tidak mempunyai kesedaran untuk membezakan kata dasar dari kata terbitan berimbuhan dalam kegiatan berbahasa sehari hari. Malahan, mereka, pada dasarnya, tidak mempedulikan fenomena yang berkaitan dengan proses penerbitan kata, sehingga mereka menggunakannya secara natural. Di peringkat universiti, bidang kajian yang berkaitan dengan proses pengimbuhan itu diperkenalkan dengan nama baharu, iaitu kajian morfologi. Kajian morfologi zaman sekarang mengetepikan soal kesinambungan makna imbuhan, dan pensyarah asyik memperhatikan rumus proses penerbitan kata yang dihipotesiskan secara teknikal. Bagaimana pun, kaedah kajian yang demikian tidak memuaskan pelajar asing, termasuk kebanyakan daripada pelajar Thailand yang mengenal dialek Patani sahaja. Pelajar asing sebenarnya ingin mengetahui hubung kait (perlawanan) makna antara satu imbuhan dengan imbuhan yang lain untuk menghidupkan dan menikmati penggunaan kata terbitan bahasa Melayu secara realistik. Kertas kerja ini melakarkan hubung kait makna antara awalan te(R)- dengan awalan me(N)- dalam bentuk gambaran imaginasi. Kesinambungan segala makna awalan te(R)- dapat dilihat dari sudut “kepalingan”, manakala makna awalan me(N)- pula dapat dilihat dari sudut “kelangsungan” secara bersahaja pada paksi koordinat dua dimensi.
Description: One of the characteristics of the Malay (Indonesian) language is the use of derivatives produced with affixes that carry various meanings. This is emphasized in the learning syllabus of Malay since the school level in the Malay-speaking countries. However, native speakers of Malay, in fact, have no awareness to distinguish the root words from the affixed-derivatives in everyday language activities. They do not pay any attention basically to the phenomena that are related to the word-deriving process, so that they use them naturally. At the university level, the field of study related to the process of affixation is introduced with a new name, i.e. morphology. Today's morphological study sets aside the consideration on the continuity of the meanings of affixes, and the lecturers are eager to engage in the formulas for the word-deriving process that are technically hypothesized. However, such methods of study do not satisfy foreign students, including the majority of Thai students who know the dialect of Patani only. Foreign students are keen to know the relationship (opposition) between one affix and the others for realizing and enjoying the use of derivatives of Malay realistically. This paper sketches the relationship of the meanings between the prefix te(R)- with the prefix me(N)- in the form of imagination. The continuity of all the meanings of the prefixes te(R)- can be seen from the "superlative" point of view, while the meaning of prefix me(N)- can be seen simply from the "durative" point of view at the two-dimensional coordinate axis.
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